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Verbal Tasks

Performance on verbal tasks is critical tool for early detection of cognitive decline


The BAVLT measures participants’ immediate verbal recall and long-term verbal recall and recognition. Participants listen to a list of words and are asked to recall as many words as they can remember.

Duration: 8 minutes. Participants are instructed to recall words from a 12-word list A presented three times during encoding, followed by a 12-word list B, and immediate recall of List A. After a 30 minute delay, they recall List A words followed by a 2-alternative forced choice recognition test. All stimuli and digitized responses are archived and timestamped transcripts are produced with CASR.

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.84 for encoding and immediate recall, r = 0.74 for delayed recall, and r = 0.85 for total recall.


The C-FNAME measures associative and episodic memory. Subjects see faces associated with names and jobs. Later, they must recall the names and jobs when seeing just the face.

Duration: 8.5 minutes. Participants are instructed to recall the first names, last names, and occupations associated with 6 different faces which are presented twice during encoding with immediate recall following each presentation. After a 30-minute delay, they are again tested with each face. All stimuli and digitized responses are archived and timestamped transcripts are produced with CASR.

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.73 for encoding and immediate recall, r = 0.82 for delayed recall.

Digit Span (Forward/Reverse)

Digit span measures working memory. Lists of digits are presented to subjects, who must recall them either in order, or in reverse order. List lengths are adjusted with an adaptive staircase, and verbal responses are scored with automatic speech recognition.

Digit span forward.

Duration: 4.9 minutes. Participants must recall digit lists that increase after correct responses and decrease after failures. Lists terminate after 3 failures or a maximum of 14 trials. A sub-digit mean span metric is used to calculate span. 

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.70 mean span; r = 0.78 time per digit.

Digit span reverse.

Duration: 4.7 minutes. Participants must recall digit lists in reverse order that increase after correct responses and decrease after failures. Lists terminate after 3 failures or a maximum of 14 trials. A sub-digit mean span metric is used to calculate span. 

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.70 mean span; r = 0.60 time per digit.

Continuous Picture Naming

Presented a grid of images, participants name the images as quickly as possible.

Duration: 2 minutes. Participants name 24 pictures on a screen then the pictures are shuffled and the naming task repeated. Digitized speech is archived and timestamped transcripts produced with CASR.

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.77 for time per word, r = 0.80 for estimated errors.

Semantic Stroop

Presented one word at a time, subjects must respond with either an antonym or a synonym of that word, depending on the font color of the word.

Duration: 4.5 minutes. Participants produce synonyms and antonyms for individual words flashed on the display depending on font color (blue vs. red). Then the words are presented again with the font colors reversed.

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.74 for accuracy, r = 0.83 for response RTs.

Story Reading

A prose story is presented on screen, and participants read it aloud, while their speech is recorded.

Duration: 45 seconds. A story is read during the encoding phase of one version of the Logical Memory test. Timing measures and other linguistic data are analyzed.

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.98 for articulation rate.


Participants report the font color of 36 words on the screen in three conditions: neutral, compatible, and incompatible, while in a fourth condition they must read 36 black-and-white color words aloud.

Duration: 3.5 minutes. Digitized speech is archived and CASR is used to analyze time per responses in compatible conditions and  incompatible conditions, with compatibility effects increasing with age.

Test-retest reliability:r = 0..82 for compatible conditions, r=.88 for incompatible


A verbal implementation of the classic digit-symbol test. Given a set of 12 symbols, each associated with a number, subjects are then shown a set of 36 symbols, and must report the number associated with each.

Duration: 4.0 minutes. Participants respond as fast as possible to three successive displays of 12 symbols each by saying aloud 12 numbers that correspond to each of 12 symbols shown based on a table at the top of each display. Individual response times and correctness are archived to permit the analysis of total completion time and other measures.

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.56 for total completion time, r = 0.72 for time per utterance.

Verbal Fluency

Given a category, subjects name as many items from that category as they can within a time limit.

Duration: Variable.Participants produce as many words as possible in 1-minute in the animal fluency test, followed by a 1-minute vegetable fluency test. Digitized speech is archived and timestamped transcripts are produced with CASR.

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.74 for unique animal names, r = 0.76 for unique vegetables.

Other available categories: Countries, furniture, sports, fruits


A brief, adaptive staircase vocabulary test.

Duration: 3.5 minutes. The vocabulary subtest contains 24 words selected adaptively from 60 difficulty levels. Participants select the best synonym for each word while the difficulty level adapts using a 2:1 staircase with varying step sizes.

Test-retest reliability: r = 0.84 for vocabulary level.

Vocabulary scores are a significant predictor of performance in all other tests.

ASR Calibration

Participants read multiple screens of digits, words, and prose to collect a speech sample and assure the reliability of automated speech recognition.

Duration: 3 minutes. The participant reads aloud sequences of digits and words on successive display screens. ASR Q/A testing is used to evaluate transcription accuracy.

Auditory Screen

Participants repeat words heard through the headphones at varying volume to ensure CCAB auditory stimuli are within auditory thresholds.

Duration: 2 minutes. The participant’s repeats aloud 12 words that are presented at intensities that are adapted using a staircase procedure to measure speech-recognition thresholds (the lowest intensity where words are correctly reported). The speech-recognition threshold is used to set the intensity of auditory stimuli in other tests.

Visual Screen

Participants read words of varying text size on screen to ensure CCAB visual stimuli are within visual thresholds.

Duration: 2 minutes. The participant’s task is to read aloud 12 words that are visually presented at font sizes that are adjusted using a staircase procedure. Visual acuity thresholds are measured to assure the visibility of visual stimuli.

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